Aaco Rubberband Ball
Buy Here for $8.50
Oh the fruits of capitalism. The rubberband ball, once a physical manifestation of hard work, diligence and resourcefulness, is now available for immediate delivery for only eight dollars.
We have all had that moment of jealousy in witnessing a friend pull a homemade rubberband ball out of their kitchen drawer. In that moment, we have all silently vowed to start our own rubberband ball project when we get home; months later and our nascent creation has not progressed past its puny embryonic state. Rejoice! Near instantaneous satisfaction is at hand. In a matter of days, you too could be the one casually pulling the rubberband ball out of the drawer to the amazement of your guests. If you fear the gaze of exacting scrutiny, possibly sniffing out the inauthenticity of your ball, may I recommend immediately cloaking it in any stray bands that you can get your hands on.