Safco Steel Guest Stool
Buy Here for $97
It will only become clearer to you over time that I am a pushover for anything powder coated. There is something about the vibrancy of the color, the luster and durability of the finish and the playfulness that it lends to ordinary steel objects. You must admit though, this stool is easy to fall in love with. Strolling the isles of the hardware store and seeing this cute little red friend just sitting there all by its lonesome, would you be able to help yourself?
In addition to being handsome, this item is also practically proportioned. The image of the stool is deceiving without a visual reference point; it actually measures 18” tall, the standard height of a chair. You heard me right, this lovely stool is also a lovely chair. You can pull it right up to any desk or table, sit down and get right to work. While 18” is a bit higher than your average stool, it's just like stepping up on a chair, and that means someone like me who is 5’8” is then able to reach things with ease as high as eight and half feet. Better news still, is that for the same price, Safeco makes a stool for standard counter height sitting. All four of the colors are well executed and seem to play well with each other if you wanted to mix it up. The last thing to be said, is that furniture doesn’t really get any more durable than this. I think it is Safe to say that Safco isn’t really going too far out on a limb in offering a lifetime warranty on each one of these stools.